Thursday, January 17, 2019

Оттуда же (из старых блокнотов - 2)

Твой нежный образ в темноте ночи
Меня желаньем страсти обволок.
Ты прошептала тихо: "Замолчи."
Но ничего с собой поделать я не мог.

        Во мне родился дух, что был сродни
        Бушующей натуре льва или пантеры -
        Лишь только в комнате остались мы одни
        Я позабыл приличия и чувство меры.

Я на себе одежду рвал, лишь бы быстрее
Схватить, обнять, познать тебя.
И загорелся я желаньем во сто крат сильнее,
Когда ты сбросила наряд свой
                           словно кожу старую змея.

        И море страсти поглотило нас,
        И чувства лились словно дикий водопад.
        Какая была ночь, и сколько дал бы я сейчас,
        Что б все вернуть хотя б на день назад.

Пришел рассвет, а вместе с ним и боль утраты,
Была постель пуста и одинока.
Пропала девушка, а с нею кошелек c зарплатой.
Судьба, зачем ко мне ты так была жестока?!

Борис Чернолягутский

Friday, March 20, 2015

О солнечном затмении, временах, людях и социологии...

Последний раз солнечное затмение на моей памяти было в году этак 1999. Я был намного моложе, жил в городе намного меньше и работал за меньшие деньги...

Но похоже, времена не сильно меняют людей в общей массе. И, как предлагают некоторые социологи, всех людей по одной из классификаций можно поделить на обывателей и предпринимателей.

Первые - кучкуются, зырят на солнечное затмение и обсуждают, зырят и обсуждают.

Вторые делятся на тех, кто продает обывателям стеклышки/дискетки для просмотра затмения, напитки, закуски (и т.п.), и тех, кто в этом время шарит по карманам обывателей.

Да, социология - это наука. :)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Fixing - problems and people

If you are doing some work usually you prefer to prevent problems than to fix problems and its consequences. Mainly it works well.

If you teach people situation is more tricky. As above - fix problems is harder than prevent problems. But fix people much-much harder than fix problems

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Из старых блокнотов

Всё... Я устал как лист гонимый ветром,
Мне надоела падать и взлетать.
И голову уж поздно сыпать пеплом,
Осталось лишь о прошлом вспоминать.

Мечтам не сбыться суждено наверно...
И покрывает землю белый снег...
Я брошусь в пропасть чувств, ведь я не первый,
Кто прерывает так стремительный разбег.

Я буду плакать и рыдать как небо
Порой осенней проливным дождем.
"Быть волком" - жизненное кредо,
Я словно капля растворяюсь в нем.

Борис Чернолягутский
сентябрь-октябрь 1997

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Side note: constructive confrontation

Last times I have found bad examples of confrontation between people. Probably it was inspired by success of this practice used time-to-time from my side. But unfortunately in their case it leads to wrong direction and forced me to take control and spend my time to put out a fire of confrontation.

At first glance reason is obvious - people who try to play this game do not know main principals of Constructive Confrontation communication style (inspired by Andrew Grove). These could be shortly summarized as:

  • Timeliness - there is no reason to confront about the problem that was already resolved and forgotten or there are other much more important problems at the same time

  • Targeting - there is no reason to confront with people which can't resolve the problem

  • Facts and data - do not start confrontation if you have no facts/data that confirm existence of the problem and its importance

  • Resolve problem but not person - try to get solution of the problem but not blame people because otherwise people will defend themselves instead of resolving the problem

...and just one addition from my side - all this should have a goal. In many cases this is just resolving of the problem. But sometimes goal could be more complicated and multi-directional.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Acronyms: INVEST

I have just found a short definition for well formed User Story (task definition). It should be describable by INVEST acronym:
  • Independent
  • Negotiable
  • Valuable
  • Estimatable
  • Small
  • Testable
Provided links clarify it very well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to switch Grails environment under Windows

Some time ago I had read blog post Bash/Zsh aliases to switch Groovy and Grails version.

Thoughts about similar approach visited me as well because team, that I manage, works with various projects that use various versions of Grails. Practically, we regularly use versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.4 and custom 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT version of Grails 1.0.3 (really, we got some 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT version that really works better for us than final 1.0.3) and sometimes we are forced to do support for applications that uses older versions (0.5 and higher) or newer like 1.1.

Mainly team is working under Windows so script from blog is not very helpful for us. But as soon as additionally to management I like to do "small programming" (when have free time) so I dedicated some time of my Saturday evening (though better to say night) for creating of batch file that do similar to script from blog.

Below is the result tricky grails-env.cmd:
echo off

IF NOT "%1" == "" goto setVersion
set VERSION=1.1
goto prepareCmd

IF NOT "%1" == "1.0.3s" goto releaseVersion
set VERSION=1.0.3-SNAPSHOT-20080512
goto prepareCmd

IF NOT "%VERSION%" == "" goto prepareCmd
set VERSION=%1

set TMP_CMD=grails-env-changer.cmd

echo set GRAILS_HOME=%GRAILS_HOME%| sed -r s/grails-([0-9.])+/grails-%VERSION%/ > %TMP_CMD%
echo set PATH=%PATH%| sed -r s/grails-([0-9.])+/grails-%VERSION%/ >> %TMP_CMD%

call %TMP_CMD%

rem cleaning
rm %TMP_CMD%

echo on

To get this working you need to place this .cmd file to some folder that is already defined in PATH variable. You should have UnxUtils installed and available in PATH (ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32). Different versions of Grails should be installed nearby. For example,

To call switching of environment to Grails 1.0.2 for active console you just need to run command:
grails-env 1.0.2

As soon as 1.1 is default environment so for switching back to Grails 1.1 will be enough to run command:

Generally everything should be clean in script code. Though there are few tricks:
  • Special handling of case for Grails 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT version that can be called by alias 1.0.3s
  • Changing GRAILS_HOME and PATH environment variables through creating external .cmd file and calling it
Additionally I would like to advise to use Console 2 as replacement for standard Windows CMD.exe. I use this tabbed console version 2.0 Beta-s for long time and can say that this is much more convenient than standard Windows console though require some configuration to make it completely fulfill all possible requirements (I even get possible to use it as remote terminal to Linux servers using plink.exe of PuTTY project).

I hope this script will help other Grails developers as well as developers working in our team. :)

Update: fixed expired link for zip file.